Blog Commenting : The Tactics I Used to Generate 100+ Comments

No, BlogRags isn’t dead.

It has been ages since the last article, but hopefully you’ll like this one.

Is Blog Commenting Dead?

I don't think so.

Comments is the only main way through which a reader interacts with you or any other member. These can be useful in a lot of different ways other than just for interaction.

Many people think that Blog Commenting is dead, but its kinda not. 

In this article I will be explaining the strategies and tactics I use to generate a lot of comments in all of my posts.



Why care about comments?

Blog Comments are a great way to interact with your readers and vice versa.

I see many bloggers ignoring their comments, even if you are earning a good sum, keep the interaction on. As the readers are that will make or break your blog.

I know there are lot of things people has to worry about that are important but Blog Comments should not be ignored.

They are the real proof that people are liking your content. If someone has spent few minutes to comment on your site, it means he has really liked your stuff.

As it is said -

"Content is  the King"

1. Blog Comments helps to Increase the length of your content

Increasing your content of your blog. In the blog post where I generated 100+ comments, the comments made up the 40% content of the blog post. That means the comments made the post content from 1x to 1.8x.

That’s a lot.

And when the value of x is more than 4000 then its even bigger. Comment generated me around 3000 words. This helped me to remain in the top 4 no matter what.

We recently analysed Brian Dean's latest post on Backlinko-

He recently shared his view on "SEO in 2018". His post got over 500+ comments. That's huge.

Results were kinda interesting -

Total Content Length was - 3128 words

Whereas Content Length generated by comments where a whopping - 18,000 words

That's about 600% more than the content he posted. That's one of the main reasons he stays on the top for his targetted. Readers help him to stay tight at #1 postition.

Of Course he has worked quite hard to be where he is today.

Ain't this enough to start focusing on focusing on Blog Comments 🙂 

2. Blog Comments helps in Building Connections

Blogger Outreach is important and useful too. But email is not only the way you can reach out to them. There are many other ways too, like blog comments.

Comments like “Thank You, Great Post” won’t help ;p

You need to write a worthy comment by actually reading the article. This will leave an impact on the blog owner and will force him to comment back.

Don’t try to spam, include links etc these don’t work.

And always try to comment back. Comment doesn’t mean you asking and him replying back. You can further continue it.

Asking a Question is a great way to start ​​​​​

​Few Tips to get Started

  • Try to tell the best thing about the post
  • Share your actual experience. Like if you read an article on making a omelette, tell how this guide helped or your past experiences
  • Ask a question. This will kinda force the blog owner to reply
  • Tell him how the post it benefited you

You can leverage this connection to secure guest posts, include him/her in your roundups, collaborations and the list goes on.

3. Blog Comments helps in Referral Traffic

Comments can help you bring leads. Well it does sound too good to be true. But it does help in bring readers.

Earlier when Guest Post wasn’t about securing a contextual link, people did for traffic and getting readers from other’s audience.

But this is only possible if you do the comments the right way. I will explain what should be included in a perfect content.

James from NicheHacks says on his post on Referral Traffic from Blog Comments-

" The referral traffic, it’s not earth shattering, but the bounce rates are low and they’re highly curious about my site.

It’s also a great foundation for landing guest blog spots and endorsements, which will be helpful in the future
. "

Social Proof

You can definitely brag about generating tons of comments. Also , people will see you as expert around that topic.

For example -

You are promoting a course or making people sign up to your newsletter, the no. of comments on that post definitely is a positive signal. This can help in a lot in increasing the conversion rate.

4. Blog Comments helps in Link Building

Most of the comments are no-follow. But people still build comment links right?

Because they matter. I use it myself to get better rankings. OfCourse you can’t rank a website using only comment links, but they do work.

Only make sure you are commenting on a relevant site. A site which is non- spammed.

More on that later in the post.

Franklin from OnlineDimes, is one of best marketers around.

He makes 100's of dollars per day using ClickBank.

He promotes ClickBank offers and you will be suprised to know that most of his rankings comes from relevant blog comments. 

You can know more about his link building stratigies from the above video.

5. LSI Keywords

LSI keywords (Latent Semantic Indexing) are basically keywords that are semantically related to your primary keyword. Contrary to popular belief, they are NOT just synonym or keywords that are similar in meaning.

When you generate a lot of comments, LSI Keywords are unknowingly gets included in your some of these comments.

These are great for On-Page SEO and helps you to be an authority around a particular topic. Also traffic off these long tail keywords are great 🙂 


How to generate a lot of Comments?

Now, let’s come to the hard part that how can you generate so many comments.

Do you need to force people to comment?

Ofcourse not. Even when a Youtuber says to subscribe to his channel in his each video.

Does everybody subscribes?

Ofcourse not!

Here are few things that will help you generate a ton of comments ( good one’s not the spam one’s 😛 )

1. Write something unique

Write something people have not have not talked about before or less talked about.

You can’t expect a lot of comments writing the same old thing everybody is talking about.

These can be -

  • Trend - Writing about something which is hot. People would love to read that and maybe comment too. Something like “Bitcoin” 🙂
  • Write something controversial - As it is said , any publicity is good publicity. People would definitely will engage with such a post. Eg - “On Page-Seo is dead” 
    Let me know in the comments which popular publication wrote this post.
  • Simplify things - If you can make a reader happy you can get him to comment too. People love simple things. Right!
  • Get experts to talk - You can easily reach out to them through a mail. Most will be more than happy to contribute.

As you can see they got over 4.8 K shares and over 143 comments. They changed the title after a while but it did the job for them. 

Write in a conversational tone -

Your writing style matters a lot. Try to write a post as if you are speaking to somebody. Use the words “you” and “I”.

This is help you connect with your readers.

Use of emojis also helps. Just kiddin 😛 

2. ​Write in-depth ( Create a Guide)

The most important thing that helped to generate over 100 comments in the post “Web 2.0 Link Building Guide” was how well the topic was covered . It is one of the best guide on Web 2.0 Link Building.

People loved the idea and also was asking questions as they saw me as an expert.

Aim to create a guide or a resource, people will value your time. 

Backlinko is a great example, you will only find guides there 😀 

3. Ask a Question at the End

This is the best and the simplest way to get your readers talking. People will comment if your question is good enough.

Have you heard Youtuber’s telling at the end of every video to comment, subscribe and like their video. This is because people are kinda stubborn and when you tell them it increases a tad chance of securing a comment 🙂

If you watch Brian Dean's video, you will always see that he asks a question at the end. This might seem dumb but it kinda works.

4. ​Use CommentLUV

This is another great way of getting a lot of comments but can increase the spam rate too. Ofcourse you can monitor those comments.

People love such a platform and it has its own advantages and disadvantages.

People are encouraged to comment as they get to share their latest post which helps both in traffic and an extra link back.

But if you are looking for genuine comment better skip it.

If you are looking for CommentLUV enabled blog in your niche to comment on, you can find through the site DropMyLink.

5. Use Thrive Comments

I am a big fan of Thrive Products including Thrive Architect, using which I formatted this post. Thrive Comments is another great product which I use on my niche sites. It’s kinda awesome.

It totally redefines the way people see comments.

Some of the best features of the product -

  • Choose What Happens After A Comment - Yes, you heard that right!
  • You can literally make the plugin to do anything including -
    Eg - Open a LightBox
  • You can ask the reader for social share. How awesome is that.
  • You can promote your affiliate products. Eg - Open a specific URL. Some page to welcome the reader and thank him/her for the comment. Promote a course.
  • Display related posts. Increases traffic like crazy.
  • Audience Insights- You see which of your posts is performing well in terms of comments. You can also track votes etc.
  • Lazy Load for Speed Optimization - This is will load your comments when the reader reaches to that specific page. This will help your loading times to be better.
  • A reader can sort the comments too.

If they update their status on Facebook, within minutes they get likes and comments. If they post on Reddit, they could earn a coveted trophy next to their name. Similar tactics can be applied using Thrive Comments.


Thrive Themes


5 Steps to a Perfect Blog Comment

Most people are commenting the wrong way.

You can't expect great things if you do it in the wrong way.

Can You?

To help you out here I have made kinda a check list which you should keep in mind when you comment the next time.

Blog Commenting can help you get a lot of things, just do it the right way 🙂 

1. Comment in the same niche

Relevancy is the key when it comes to backlinking with good results. The more relevant you are the better.

For example if you run a gardening blog, it good to comment on a gardening blog, you could go broader too like food or health as they are inter connected.

Don't go spamming around. You will find blogs in your niche.

Use these Keywords to Find Niche Relevant Blogs-

Add new comment” + “your keyword here”
“Leave a comment” + “your keyword here”
“Leave a reply” + “your keyword here”
 “Post a comment” + “your keyword here”
 “your keyword here” “Leave a comment”
 “your keyword here” “Comment here”
 “your keyword here” “Add comment”
 “Powered by WordPress” + “your keyword here”
 “your keyword here” “You may use these HTML tags and attributes”
 “your keyword here” “Post a comment”
 “Notify me of follow-up comments ”
 “your keyword here” “Notify me of new posts”
 “Comments on this entry:”
 “Sign in to comment on this entry.”
 “Login or register to post comments”
 “You must be registered and logged in to leave comments”
 “This blog uses premium CommentLuv”

Focus on quality and you won't ever regret.

2. Read the content first

I know you must be laughing at this but if you are serious about getting that juice out of the link you should do this.

Atleast skim through the article. Get a brief overview about what the article is all about. It's important that your comment reflects that you have given time in reading the content. This is valuable for any blog owner. Won't you be happy if you get such a comment.

Avoid -

"Great Article. Nice Work 🙂 "
These won't work, maybe a little


3. Write it big

I feel for the people writing few words for the comment. But if you are looking to create an impact atleast 4-6 lines is recommended. Not only does the blog owner will notice you but other readers will too.

Many will check your site too. You can get a lot of traffic that converts too. Don't feel it will go to waste or something

People get traffic all years round with such comments.

4. Get people to reply back

If you can get people to reply back to your comment, its priceless. You need not comment and forget about it.

Few tips to do this

  • Ask a question
  • Share your own experiences
  • Add tips, in other words provide more value to the existing article

5. Things to keep in mind

Here are few things you need to particularly keep in mind while commenting- 

  • Make sure not to use a keyword as your name. Don't be dumb, you would reach #1 spot even doing 50 of these. 
  • Use a gravatar. Its super easy and free.
    1. Create an account
    2. Upload an Image
    Whenever you comment, use this email-id and your image will show up in the comments.
  • Don't use your URL's in the comment. Some plugins automatically detects it as spam. Most bloggers won't approve it anyway so no use.
  • Try to build a relation after commenting. Maybe on Twitter or a quick email. You can leverage this later.
  • Always use a spreadsheet to note the links. It will help you to track which have been approved or pending. You can also see if there are replies.
  • Try to be the first to comment. I know its tough but it helps.​​​​
  • You can use both your home page links or integral page links. Most bloggers don't mind these.
  • Stay away from spammy sites with tons of comment. If you see people using URL's in their comments and keyword as their name, avoid commenting.


Hope you liked the article.

You must have to got to know the real power of blog comments and what it can do for your blog and buisness.

Tell me What stratigies you loved from the post?

What are your hidden secrets for Blog Commenting?

Tell me in the comments section. Unlike other's I'll reply to each of your comment 🙂

194 thoughts on “Blog Commenting : The Tactics I used to Generate 100+ Comments”

  1. Really! This guide will motivate us to do comments again. I thought its gone, but now, I will try to make again. Thanks brother for writing this guide. Keep it up bro…

    Your Facebook Friend :-*

  2. Hey Himanshu!

    What an epic blog post on blog comments!

    You definitely keep your word when you mentioned your blog posts are epic. I see you are going with the backlinko type of blog post style and design here. Clever.

    I follow all of these tips – to get more engagement on my blog posts. It all starts with the quality of your content AND the promotion of it. These two things gotta go together like peanut butter and jelly!

    You could have the most amazing blog post, BUT if barely anyone is reading it, what is the point of having on your blog?

    You have to promote the heck out of your blog post. High-quality content alone will not do the trick.

    One of my best methods to promote my latest blog post and also get more engagement would be blog commenting. I do it a lot and I do it on blogs within my niche that are getting a good amount of traffic. It is key to make sure the blog where you are leaving comments gets good targeted traffic.

    Thank you so much for sharing this!

    Best regards! 😀

    • Thanks for the comment. Indeed a big comment, you really took the tips seriously.

      I do agree that only writing epic content won’t help, blog promotion is required. Something like a 20/80 rule.

      What are your strategies for blog promotion?

      Thanks again

      • No problem man!

        I would say that blog commenting is one of the best marketing strategies I have used to drive traffic. And I still use.

        Here is what I’m currently doing to build my blog’s traffic; blog commenting, guest blogging, forum marketing, social media marketing, Youtube marketing, and search engine optimization for organic traffic. I have my own marketig strategy that I follow on a daily basis.

        With consistency, these are enough to build a nice traffic flow to your blog.

        What are you currently doing to promote your blog here?

        I’d love to hear from you!

        Thank you!

        • Thanks for the reply.

          I am currently planning to run an outreach campaign as well as run an FB Ad campaign to drive visitors.

          Guest Blogging also works.

          I am thinking of creating a bunch of videos too promote too. I also get readers off my FB group.


  3. I really enjoyed your article.

    Commenting and interaction is something that I am pushing for in my blog, not only to help interact with my readers, but to help gain additional readers as well.

    I’ve dabbled in commenting on other blogs in my niche, but after reading your article I think I’ll take it a little more seriously now.

    Can you be more specific on not using a keyword as a name? Am I missing the boat using Real Money Robert as my name when I comment?

    Thanks again!

    • Thanks Robert for stopping by to comment.

      The main idea was not to spam.

      You are using Real Money Robert as your anchor text, why not use Robert. I think you might already be ranking for Real Money Robert.

      Just checked, you are ranking. So better to use Robert coz many bloggers won’t approve your comment because of that, would you like that.

      No, Right?

      PS- Try to update your meta description of your home page. It doesn’t look good, atleast 140 keywords.


      Nice blog too 🙂

  4. Waoo… The great and excellent information you gave us today. Most of the people want this and you helped all of us. Thanks a lot for sharing and take your valuable time to write and share your thoughts.
    Thanks a lot.

  5. Nice article, it really concisely lays out the tactics behind blog commenting.

    Just funny to see how some people in the comment section of this particular article sometimes choose to use those tactics while others simply revert to just a few lines of text :D. Exactly what you recommended NOT to do.

    It can be daunting sometimes though to keep up the writing speed especially when you are building links. I find mostly that whenever I try some link building using the blog commenting method that it feels as a “must-do”-kind of thing. And it can sometimes take the fun out of the whole experience.

    Especially when I have 3 projects going on at the same time. And all need links to be built.

    But anyway you have probably made me realize I should spend more time thinking about content, not just for my sites but also when doing link building.

    Even though it might take me a bit longer to do, in the end the chances of an actual lin kbeing put up might increase!

  6. Wow…

    This is what I was looking for.

    I must say, It’s the best article I have ever read and totally agree with you that blog commenting is one of the best ways to get blog traffic.

    When I start reading this blog post then I feel like I am reading Backlinko Blog due to same blog post layout and very detailed lengthy article.

    And one more thing…

    I loved the way you have used Thrive Architect.

    ~Sumit Sao
    (Founder of Blogging Lift)

    • Thanks, Sumit.

      I was waiting for your comment as you are one of the first people to comment on my blog posts.

      Glad you liked the post.

      Blog Commenting is quite underrated, very few people focus on it but as my study conducted it is quite important and crucial.

      What type of results you have got from Blog Commenting?

      Would love to know.


  7. Great very informative article! I’m bookmarking this page as there is a lot of valuable tips on how to increase the comments on my blog. I have a 1-month old blog and it only has 4 comments and all of them are spam! So I hope this guide will help.

    • It takes time.

      Try to create content which is really worth reader’s time. Also, promotion is also required to get people reading, especially when you have a new site.

      Hope my tactics help.

      Thanks mate

  8. Hey Himanshu,

    Blog commenting is actually one of the secret weapons I use to get more traffic and connect with like-minded bloggers. I’ve literally closed deals and made friends by leaving a useful and interesting comment.

    Also, I have made it a habit to comment at least on 20-30 blogs everyday.

    Thanks for the awesome read.

    • That’s great.

      I would advice everyone to comment daily. Even if it is 2 or 3, if they are quality one’s , you will see the benefits.

      A sweet way of building relationships.

      If you have a case study, I would love to feature in the post. Do let me know at

      Thanks for the comment mate.

  9. You cant go wrong with guides and resources, as like you say you are deemed an expert in that field. Your visitors then trust you and are more likely to subscribe.
    Regarding the list of keywords to find niche relevant blogs – drop my link is a great resource to find these easily. it automatically populates the search with these kind of strings – and its a free tool!

    • Ya, DropMyLink is a great tool to generate those search strings. Many people invest a lot of money on useless services but Google itself is a great SEO tool to find a lot of prospects etc.

      Glad you liked the post.



  10. Hello, Himanshu

    I loved your blog post,it was totally an informative one. Thanks for saying about this backlink method. Also please say whether blog commenting will improve the Domain Authority score of my website ?


    • Blog Commenting does impact the Domain Authority but only to an extent. Doesn’t impact greatly, you still need to make high-quality links to increase that.

      One piece of advice I would give you will be if you are just starting, don’t focus on DA or Alexa Rank. It is just a scale to measure all the websites.

  11. I am looking to try these tips internet marketing course or my website People always try direct method but most of time these trick don’t works. Your tips are helpful for the person to make good blog posting for their websites or blog.

  12. Blog commenting has a ton of benefits that are still not tapped by the blogging niche. The only blog I see getting comments are the one that have enabled auto approval and offer dofollow backlinks. Sure, dofollow helps, but no follow isn’t that bad. Awesome guide you’ve put together

  13. Really an amazing. I do believe the best technique is blog commenting.
    Making comments on niche relevant blogs can seriously give some amazing results also helps in generating niche relevant traffic also

  14. Hi, this is such a great article.
    Think you just about covered everything on blog commenting,
    I’ll bookmark your site and come back to read your
    other articles!



  15. Hi there Himanshu,

    First of all I would like to congratulate you on the blog design, it really looks great and actually it’s easier to read when the content is divided like this (with different colors).

    Second, I totally agree with you, when you said blog commenting isn’t dead. I consider it as one of the most important forms to create brand awareness for your self and create new relations.

    Also, guys at smartblogger seem to have a great post about blog commenting and it’s favors, check it out, if you haven’t already.



  16. Another awesome post. I tried building comments using your footprints. And it works like charm. I love your styling of this post. Let me know which plugin you use for this type of post styling.

    Backlinko has the same formatting. You played smart buddy.

    Waiting for the plugin name through which you did this styling.

    Cheers friend.

  17. Outstanding post Himanshu. Thanks for the hard work. I especially enjoy the 5 things to keep in mind. Being real is of utmost importance because transparency build trust. Offering compelling content in a comment also attract visitors. Sharing tips that can solve a problem is a great way to draw attention indeed. And Comment Luv will always be a winner.

  18. Brilliant Post. This is really useful information for me as a blogger and useful for every blogger. Thanks for sharing your valuable thoughts on this article. Thanks. great job

  19. Hi Himanshu.

    I must say this a very good article to learn about blog comment on a website to get the trust benefits from the google. And I personally glad to thank you for this article. This helpful for me as well. I learned many things about blog comment and the way of getting the approval from the website owners. Thanks again buddy.

  20. I am now learning the ropes of this skill as I seek to boost my new website. You truly offer some gems here for me to increase my knowledge base and help my site along the way too. Thanks for sharing

  21. Hello Himanshu, I love your article! It’s very easy to understand! On #4 Use commentluv, is Drop My Link still effective?
    What I learned from you is a great contribution to our website.

    • CommentLuv has its own advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes your post might be spammed. So, it depends on the type of your website too. Dropmylink is still the best way to find these Commentluv sites for blog commenting or you can use search strings.

  22. Hi,
    Great article you wrote on blog commenting. Thanks for sharing this article.
    Keep up the good work. I liked your blog design pattern is it some kind of theme or page builder??
    -Jatin Thakur

  23. Hey, Himanshu That is some really valuable content! I just wanted to understand a few things but I got a lot more instead. looking to follow you on all social platforms buddy. cheers 🙂

  24. Hello Himanshu,

    I like Best Part in your website those 4 lines about what things we consider when writing a blog comment.

    Seriously that is the best article for a newbie but you can do better if you add an example of how you can implement those lines

    I have a question can we also found written blog comment on google?

  25. Hi Himanshu Gupta,

    Thanks for this wonderful information!

    That is the clearest simplest most comprehensive explanation i have come across on commenting.

    I wanted to know how we can get backlink for some specific post for a particular nische. As you have told not to put link in the comment. And most of the site ask only for your website link that will add up to your DA & PA for your home page not for that particular post because the post link is not coming anywhere.

    Give me solution to get backlink for specific post too.

  26. It can be pretty tough to get your website seen when you are just starting out. Blog comments might not bring in a flood of traffic, but every little bit helps, and maybe someone who visits your site through a comment will like what they see. Maybe they will even turn out to be a well connected person. You never know!

  27. Hello friends this is really informative for me i really want to thanks for those guys who sharing with us great information like this thanks all of you keep sharing with us.

  28. Hey Himanshu,
    I really Liked your post. It is very Informative and I didn’t know the power of comment until now. Your Tips are really useful for newbies like me. I am gonna visit your website regularly from now on. Good work. Thanks Again it really helped.

  29. I have actually learned fully a new style and method of commenting, I will try them out.
    I really did a great work must comment. I regard your patience and love for the success of we internet interprenures. I will try to join your facebook page group.

  30. The techniques that you have mentioned above for blog commenting are amazing and very helpful. I think many people without following such tips can be a very hard start. I will recommend all to follow these tips. Thank you so much.

  31. Woow, amazing explanation, I like the way you have represented it.

    Blog commenting is good for both author and commenter. Becuase it helps author to get to know whether or not people are liking your article and a positive ranking signal for search engines.

    And commenter gets a nofollow backlink.

    Thanks for sharing…

  32. many time we decide the worth of blog by its comment like, if I read an article my habit os to check their comment first then read the blog. Because I get an idea that what type of blog is this. Nice article thanks for this best piece of knowledge.

  33. Thank you for posting this awesome content. Right now, I’m having more success on niche than on other things I have tried in the past that are on this list.

  34. I don’t know about Gravatar. After reading your post i learn bout that. though i was come for a blog comment but your Article keep myself 30minitues on your Article. You saw all the technique practically on your post.
    and the you and me controversial connection more impact to read full article. I will try it on my website.
    Thank You
    Himanshu Gupta !

  35. Hi Himanshu!

    Nice and informative article on blog comment.
    Blog Commenting is becoming interesting day by day.

    Through your tips it has become more easy to implement.
    Nice points to get help in promoting blogs.

    Thanks for sharing.

  36. Thank you, sir, for your article. It is a very great topic to do something. And I glad to be with your blog post. I think its a big privilege to me. I have a website, you are welcome to my side.

  37. I think the SEO would be raised with the meaningful work that is your post and it’s a great post to me I have learned the technique. And apply this technique getting good feedback.

  38. Hey Himanshu,

    You are Writing Great informational Article Related to Blog commenting. In-Depth Information About Blog Commenting With A to Z Details. This Article is Really Very Helpful for all the New Blogging Beginners Who want to Learn How to Do Blog Commenting For Backlinking. And How to Write Valuable Comment Or Not Spamming etc.

    I Also Learn Some Awesome new Things From Your article. Next time I am Implement These Tips.

    Thanks, Man!,

    You are Doing a Great Job!

  39. Of all these link building techniques, I can say that blog commenting has been my fortress for a long time now. Not that I only depend on blog commenting alone in my link building campaign, I’ve found that it is the fastest way of driving traffic, building relationship while building your linking at the same time. Aside from this specific point, I think all the techniques in this article are great way of putting a blog forward in the search engine land.

  40. Very helpful and handy post. Well, if you are a newbie blogger then never forget that content is king, make sure they are well spaced into paragraphs so as to ease reading, build backlinks, share your posts to social media and don’t forget to link up with other bloggers.

  41. Congratulations for your great post about link building. I am a big fan of the broken link building strategy and have had good success with it. My favorite tool is the “Check my links” Google Chrome extension to check web pages for broken links. If I find a broken link, I email the webmaster and ask him/her if they would like to replace it with my link.

    I think the broken link building strategy is a great way to obtain new backlinks because you actually help fellow webmasters fix their websites and you establish a healthy relationship with them in the same time.

    With this one strategy, you get more backlinks, your website ranks higher on Google, and you help the Internet be a better place ????

  42. This is great resource, we are also covering alot of tutorials in urdu and helping our native people to learn state of the art skills. Our team is very focused to teach the newbies in a practical way so they can watch a tutorial and sell the skills at any freelance platform. You can visit and suggest us to improve even, our project is named WP Academy. Thanks

  43. Awesome Article Bro. No doubt that blog commenting is not considered a proper way of generating links but it greatly helps to generate your natural link profile which will surely save your website from Google’s penalty.

  44. Thank you for this. I was wondering if commenting was dead…this shows if you just go about your business and interject where it’s appropriate, all is good. Looking for more content!

  45. Hi Himanshu,

    This is definitely the exhaustive guide on blog commenting strategy. I liked the tips that you’ve talked about.

    I bookmarked this, will keep this in my implementation strategy.

  46. Thank You! For sharing such a great article, It’s been a amazing article.It’s provide lot’s of information, I really enjoyed to read this,i hope, i will get these kinds of information on a regular basis from your side.

  47. After a long time, I came through this type of article. It was very informative and encouraging for small website owners who want to build backlinks through blog comments and increase their traffic.

  48. Hello Himanshu,

    This is a very in-depth post on blog commenting and I learned a great deal from your experience. I was also a past user of Thrive Comments found its voting system useful while I used it. But I want to ask, you talked of using CommentLuv but I see that you’re no longer using the plugin. So do you still recommend using it?


  49. Nice,

    This just proves no matter what people keep saying about link building, blog commenting is really efficient way to get some quick and easy links.

    Thanks for the info. Great Job.

  50. What an Article Himanshu!!! You nailed it, Brother. Amazing Article. This article touches almost every point related to blog comment benefits and what strategies should use to get no. of comments. I really appreciate your hard work. Thank you so much for this wonderful article.

  51. Hi Himanshu,

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.

    I have 2 questions.

    1. I am getting a lot of spam comments, can I edit them and approve?
    2. Nofollow comment links help in seo or not?


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