Your hours of hard work in writing a blog post is useless if there are no visitors to see.
Are you unable to drive traffic to your new blog post? Don’t Worry!Here are 25 blog promotion sites to help you get a great amount of social and referral traffic.
So bookmark this page so that next time when you publish a post, you don’t question “Where to promote my blog post?”.Not all are websites below; some are techniques you can follow to get traffic and targetted visitors.
Don’t hope to get insane amount of traffic from these websites from Day 1.You need first to build a good social profile in each of them to get high amount of traffic.
[thrive_headline_focus title=”1.Facebook Groups” orientation=”center”]
All of you must be knowing about Facebook Groups and must have used it to drive traffic.But the more important thing to learn here is that not to spam.You can’t join a group and spam out the post to the group.It won’t be that useful unless you promote viral content.
First, choose a group that is related to your niche.Then build a good social profile in the group by answering the question and sharing useful content. Many groups are spam free so don’t waste your time there.
See in the image below; the user was able to receive about 400 odd likes and 52 shares.This alone might have driven 500-600 visitors to his blog.Rohit Palit, the founder of, was able to do this only because of his good social profile and amazing content.
For those who are wondering the post is in Bengali and the group is Amazon Affiliate Bangladesh.Another reason for high social engagement was he was promoting an article about Amazon Niche Sites itself.
[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]
Conclusion: From the above example it is pretty clear that try to find groups related to your niche and engage with groups members before promoting your site.
[thrive_headline_focus title=”2.Google Plus ” orientation=”center”]
Most of you may be knowing about Google Plus, but the bitter truth is it is the most underated social platform.
Most people rarely share on Google Plus than they would on other social platforms.But did you know where Google Plus votes stand on the ranking factors on Google?
According to SearchMetrics report 2013, Google Plus Votes are the number one factor for ranking on Google.See the image below to know more.
First search for Google Plus for your Niche Communities. Eg I searched for Blogging and found these communities as shown below.
Next step is to join the community.After that post a nice well-written snippet explaining what the post is about and whom it is for, with relevant hashtags.A example is shown below.
[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]
Conclusion: Google Plus Votes are crucial for higher ranking on Google.Follow the step as mentioned above to drive a hell lot of traffic to your website.It may turn out to be the best blog promotion site.
You would love to read – Get Traffic From Google Plus Using 7 Simple Methods
[thrive_custom_box title=”” style=”dark” type=”color” color=”” border=”#81d742″]
Are you unable to write great Headlines?Does your social traffic sucks?
Read the Step by Step guide on Writing Good Headlines.
[thrive_headline_focus title=”3.Triberr” orientation=”center”]
Many may be unaware about Triberr, but it is the nice platform to share your content. Triberr is a place where community of talented Bloggers and Influencers come together to read and share great content.
Like Facebook has group Triberr has tribe which you can easily join.First sign up for an account and then you are free to share your content.
Connect your social accounts.Follow the groups you’re interested in. If you want to join a group, you have to request a ” promotion”.
Visit –
Domain Authority – 66
[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]
Conclusion:Triberr is a great place to promote your content .Well but it isn’t suited for all types of niches .
Read more about triberr here- 13 Tips for Using Triberr to Increase Your Blog Traffic
[thrive_headline_focus title=”4.Klinkk” orientation=”center”]
Klinkk is a similar website as Triberr, but a user-friendly one.It is damn simple to use.
First, you need to sign up for a free account.Before you can post your website for promotion, you need to upvote others site to earn points.These earned points can be redeemed to promote your website.
You can also add a link to your profile.Its a no-follow one, though.
But the interesting fact is that for the content posted you will get a no-follow backlink. I won’t be able to say how much effect it will have on your rankings.Still its a nice bonus.
Visit –
Domain Authority – 28
[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]
Conclusion:Make sure your content has a nice value to be upvoted in the community . Do-Follow link is nice bonus from Klinkk.
[thrive_headline_focus title=”5.ScoopIt” orientation=”center”]
ScoopIt is another content curation and marketing platform .Unlike others you need to pay for the advanced features.
Don’t Worry still you can get a great amount of traffic with the free plan as well.The system is very similar to Pinterest.You need to create a Topic first.Then you need to pin the blog posts to it as you would pin an image on Pinterest.
If your topic contains great articles, it may be followed by many to generate you targetted visitors.
Visit – Scoop.It
Domain Authority- 89
[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]
Conclusion: Try to add blog posts from other big blogs from your niche.These helps in getting more followers to your curated topic.Overall ScoopIt is an excellent blog promotion site.
[thrive_headline_focus title=”6.Email Subscribers” orientation=”center”]
If you read most of the Top SEO blogs, then you must have noticed that their first advice would be “collecting emails should be your priority”.Most blogs are busy collecting emails by bribing you with some free product or some secret tips.
Most bloggers drive massive traffic by promoting their by sending out emails to their users.You can also promote a new product or a new video.The possibilities are endless.
Below is an example how Brian Dean sends out an email about a new content he posted or if it is updated.
[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]
Conclusion: Emails are like a goldmine .Many people are earning 1000’s of dollars just by promoting a product on email.So if you don’t collect emails start now. [/thrive_text_block]
[thrive_custom_box title=”” style=”dark” type=”color” color=”” border=”#1e73be”]
Thrive Leads – Ultimate List Building Plugin
[two_third_first]Collecting emails id the smartest thing you can do as a blogger.But you need the right tools to help you, and if you use WordPress, that means having the right plugin.Thrive Leads is a new WordPress plugin from the Thrive Themes team.It’s designed to help you add engaging opt-in forms to key locations on your website, make it easy for you to split test different opt-in forms and monitor your progress.There are plenty of templates and other features that will have a huge impact on your list building efforts.
Check the link below to see the demo .
[thrive_megabutton mt=”Check out Thrive Leads” st=”” color=”red” link=”” target=”_blank” align=”aligncenter”][/thrive_custom_box]
[thrive_headline_focus title=”7.Pinterest” orientation=”center”]
Similar to Google Plus , Pinterest is often disregarded as source of referral and social traffic .
According to research by PewInterent revealed that Pinterest is growing in popularity even surpassing Twitter.He also mentioned that not only ladies by men’s demographics is rapidly increasing.
If your blog posts contain high-quality images, it is must be shared on Pinterest.There are many case studies where people are earning thousands of dollars just by marketing on Pinterest alone.
First Sign Up for a free account. Then you need to create what’s call a board.
The board will consist of related images.ThinkGeek is a great example of how to name and categorise Pinterest boards.
Here is great video by LazyAssStoner showing how you can drive traffic using Pinterest.
[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]
Conclusion: If you know the right strategy then you can drive a hell lot of traffic to your website.You also pin other related images to increase your following.
You would love to read – How To Drive Massive Referral Traffic From Pinterest
[thrive_headline_focus title=”8.Message your Influencer” orientation=”center”]
All industries have some influencers who have a huge following. Try to find out who are they and tell them about your new content.Tell them to read your content, share it or link it if possible.
Another great place to connect to your influencer is LinkedIn. First, make a connection to the influencer.After making a connection, you can directly send them a message about your content.
Here is a template you can use to send it to your influencer
[code]Your content here
Hi [First Name]
Hope are things are going well for you and your [ buisness].
I recently posted an article about [your post and link], and I thought you would enjoy it.If you like it, please share it, tweet it if possible.
[Your name ]
[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]
Conclusion: Don’t hope to get replies from all influencers.Keep trying and make sure your content is great so they are more inclined in sharing it.
You would love to read – 17 Advanced Methods for Promoting Your New Piece of Content
[thrive_headline_focus title=”9.PDF sharing ” orientation=”center”]
You can convert your awesome content into a PDF.These can also help you capture emails on your blog.
You can hire freelancers to do it for you or you can do it for yourself .These Files can be easily shared in groups or in document sharing sites .
[thrive_text_block color=”light” headline=”Document sharing sites”]
[thrive_custom_box title=”” style=”dark” type=”color” color=”” border=”#81d742″]
Are you unable to rank on Google ?This may be because of your poor On-Page SEO .
Check out – 7 On-Page Seo Mistakes to Avoid in 2016
[thrive_headline_focus title=”10.BlogEngage” orientation=”center”]
Blog Engage allows you to submit your Blog Article(s) that will be reviewed by all and will be promoted by visitors to the main page.
It covers most blog topics, but the sad part is that it is not free.I won’t recommend unless you have to build a website which is earning a good amount.I hope these blog promotion site will help you.
Visit –
Domain Authority – 52
[thrive_custom_box title=”” style=”dark” type=”color” color=”” border=”#1e73be”]
Hostgator – #1 WordPress Hosting Provider
HostGator is one of the most famous Linux platform web hosting company in the industry. From the newest stats, HostGator INC. is already serving more than 5 million domain names in their shared, reseller, VPS and dedicated servers. Hostgator is one of the best choices for the small to medium-sized business owners and bloggers.
Use CODE ” SUMMER16 ” to get 60% OFF .
[thrive_megabutton mt=”Avail Discount – Hostgator ” st=”” color=”red” link=”” target=”_blank” align=”aligncenter”][/thrive_custom_box]
[thrive_headline_focus title=”11.BizSugar” orientation=”center”]
It is a similar website as Klinkk or Triberr where you can share your new content.Unlike Blogengage this one is completely free .
Share small business news, tips, blog posts and information with BizSugar’s community of small business owners and entrepreneurs.
First, register for a free account.You can also sign -up using Facebook.
After making a free account submit your article with a small description of 2-4 sentences long.Your post will take some time and will be live after approval.
Visit –
Domain Authority – 67
[thrive_headline_focus title=”12.TribePro” orientation=”center”]
TribePro is similar to that of Triberr, but it offers a paid service. The website claims to have free plan, but it’s not fully free.
Anyways you can try it and use it for promotion.It is a similar platform like Klinkk and Tribe where people with same goals and niche share each other’s work.
This helps you get a good amount of shares and traffic.More importantly you can build good connections with them which can be profitable later.
Visit – TribePro
Domain Authority – 42
[thrive_headline_focus title=”13.Stumble Upon” orientation=”center”]
Stumble Upon is an intelligent platform to discovering and sharing websites.Sharing your content on Stumble Upon will rally help you gain traffic. Add your blog to the right category to help people discover your content.
[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]
Conclusion: Read this to know more – 4 Ways to Increase Your Traffic With StumbleUpon
[thrive_headline_focus title=”14.Reddit ” orientation=”center”]
Reddit is the goldmine for marketers.It can drive the crazy amount of traffic to your site even crash it :p. With over 2 billion page views per month, it is capable of driving huge amounts of traffic.
And you don’t need 1000’s of upvotes to drive loads of traffic only 20-30 can do miracles for you.
Show us your love by tweeting this post.
First, you need to sign up for a free account.Then find a suitable subreddit and post your link.
Make sure that you don’t post a direct link but post a small text with your link.Direct links are often classified as spam.Don’t forget to add flair to your post.
Things to avoid on Reddit:
- Do not post the same link multiple times
- Do not post low-quality content
- Do not post links you already posted before
- Do not buy upvotes
Things to post on Reddit:
- Interviews
- Infographics
- Case Studies
- Questions
- List Posts
These posts are more likely to get upvotes and will help you more karma points.If you have few bucks to spend you can buy Reddit ads to drive targetted traffic.
[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]
Conclusion: Reddit is a goldmine, and its intelligent use can be highly profitable.
Read more – The Reddit Guide to Massive Traffic
[thrive_custom_box title=”” style=”dark” type=”color” color=”” border=”#1e73be”]
Elegant Themes – Most Affordable WordPress Theme
[two_third_first]One of the best things about it is that it’s affordable. The deal it offers is quite cost-efficient. Most other sites charge between $70 to $200, for just one theme and not only that, you won’t be able to use the said theme on more than one website. With Elegant Themes, you have to pay only $69 annually for 87 Premium WordPress themes if you go for the Personal Package.
Check the link below to see the demo .
[thrive_megabutton mt=”Check out Elegant Themes” st=”” color=”red” link=”” target=”_blank” align=”aligncenter”][/thrive_custom_box]
[thrive_headline_focus title=”15.Flipboard” orientation=”center”]
You turn your awesome content into a killer magazine using Flipboard .Sign up for a free account using your tablet or smartphone.Then using the flipkart bookmarklet add your posts and posts of others to make a killer magazine.
Search for the best content around your niche and add them to your magazine.This will attract millions of users who use Flipboard to read your content.
Most big brands like the Huffington Post use Flipboard to drive traffic to their websites.Don’t think start using it.
[thrive_headline_focus title=”16.Tumblr ” orientation=”center”]
With millions of passionate users, Tumblr is a social media powerhouse which can’t be ignored. Even if you’ve never read a Tumblr blog here is few steps you should follow to drive traffic using Tumblr.
Creating a site on Tumblr is damn simple. You can setup a website in few minutes itself.
Watch this video from QuickSprout to learn more – How to drive traffic using Tumblr
[thrive_headline_focus title=”17.Twitter” orientation=”center”]
Twitter is also a great place to drive traffic.With right strategies, you can drive many targetted visitors to your sites.
Few tips to follow before sharing on Twitter –
- Go Visual -Twitter now gives emphasis to images as well by expanding it.Tweets with images perform better in comparison with tweets without images.
- Be repetitive- Tweet your link multiple times by sometimes without using images , with using and sometimes by using a quote.
- Use at least 2 hashtag in each tweet. Make sure it is related.It will help people find out your post.
- See what’s trending it your niche on twitter
[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]
Conclusion : Read more at – Ten simple twitter tactics to follow – Smartblogger
[thrive_headline_focus title=”18.Forums ” orientation=”center”]
Forums are great place to promote your content .With thousands of forums availble in your niche possibilites are limitless.
You quickly find a suitable forum just by a simple Google search. Simply search on Google for “keyword” + forum.
Tips to follow when using forum:
- Don’t spam you will end up getting banned :D.
- Make a good social profile first by answering questions and by contributing useful content
- Link your blog in your signature
- Be active
- Choose .edu forums if possible because a backlink from it will mean a lot
[thrive_headline_focus title=”19.AllTop” orientation=”center”]
AllTop is a place you will find blogs across 1000’s categories .You can easily submit your blog in its respective categories.
Only submit your blog to get your content out there for a new audience to check out.
Visit – Alltop
Domain Authority – 82
[thrive_custom_box title=”” style=”dark” type=”color” color=”” border=”#dd3333″]
Unlock the below sites from 20 -25 by showing your love.Share on any one social profile to unclock the content.
[thrive_headline_focus title=”” orientation=”center”] is another significant inbound marketing communities online. If your blog is related to marketing or blogging, you can easily attract hundreds of visitors to your blog. But make sure your content is superb before sharing it with the community.
I use it often to attract hundreds of unique visitors on to my site. You can also interact with other marketing gurus and even generate new post ideas for your blog. You can also get a nice do-follow backlink in the process. Cool isn’t it.
So what are you waiting for! Join Now.
[thrive_headline_focus title=”27.GrowthHackers” orientation=”center”]
GrowthHackers is another great marketing community where you share your posts and even ask questions. All these communities are based on votes similar to what you have on Reddit. You can see various marketing gurus and entrepreneurs conducting live Q/A sessions.
Altogether Growth Hackers is a great place to share your content if a blog about marketing. The only downside in comparison to Inbound is that they are very strict in reviewing your content so for some reasons you may see your content being rejected.
Give a try to GrowthHackers and feel the awesomeness.
[thrive_headline_focus title=”28.Infographics” orientation=”center”]
Infographics is another great tool to attract more visitors. It even increases the social reach of your blog post. You can easily approach blogs with your infographic via an email outreach. If your infographic is awesome people will readily accept the opportunity to showcase it on their blog.
The only thing you should keep in mind that your email and infographic should be professional enough to increase your chances. There are tons of infographic sharing sites that will help you gain visitors and also juicy backlinks.
You will love to check out – Top 20 Free Infographic Directories and Submission Tips
[thrive_headline_focus title=”Bonus – SlideShare” orientation=”center”]
Slideshare offers you the option of uploading and sharing Documents, PDF’s and PowerPoint Presentation publicly or privately.It is a product of LinkedIn.
[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]
Conclusion : Read this case study – Slideshare Traffic Case Study • From 0 to 243,000 Views in 30 Days
[thrive_custom_box title=”” style=”dark” type=”color” color=”” border=”#1e73be”]
Long Tail Pro – #1 Keyword Research Tool
The #1 keyword research tool for affiliates, marketers and SEO pros, hands down. The software was built by internet marketers for internet marketers. You see, we faced the same struggles you do… to find profitable keywords, in the right niche, period. With proprietary Keyword Competitiveness Score, you will find low competition keywords with little effort. Helping you rank quickly and saving you valuable time & money, right from the start.
Click the Start Trial button below to start using our flagship software, Long Tail Platinum, for just $1.
[thrive_megabutton mt=”Check out Long Tail Pro – Trial ” st=”” color=”red” link=”” target=”_blank” align=”aligncenter”][/thrive_custom_box]
I hope these blog promotion site will help you in gaining traffic .Please comment below if know of some other site.I will appreciate if you will comment below .Check out BlogRags for awesome tips and tricks related to Bloggging and WordPress.
Hi Himanshu,
Just landed on your blog via Awesome post you have here. I think you could also include as a site to share blog posts. Anyways, you are doing great. All the best.
Thanks Mukesh for the tip.
Will add as a bonus .
Great you liked the post .
There are some attentiongrabbing points in time in this article but I dont know if I see all of them heart to heart. There may be some validity however I will take maintain opinion until I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we would like extra! Added to FeedBurner as properly fdbagaceedcbkccd
Wow amazing list. Definitely worth bookmarking. I didn’t know many of them.
By the way there is a mis-spelled word ‘provately’ in Slideshare description. I thinkit should be privately.
Keep great work.
Thanks Monica for your reply .
Great you founded the mistake .
I like the tip about google plus groups. Thanks for sharing.
My pleasure .
Nice blog Himanshu Gupta, It’s amazing !!
I read your one article recently, it’s about “How to Write Good Catchy Magnetic Headlines | Ultimate Guide” .
Thanks for sharing the great post
Your welcome .
Nice post! Really enlightening especially for a newbie blogger myself.
Thanks Erwin.
All the best for your blog.
Well it was huge ton of information for the blogger. Thanks for sharing such a useful information with us. Keep up the good work. And thank you once again.
Really happy to found this article. Just came from matthew woodward blog. Book marked this page.
Thanks for sharing this much of Information. Keep it up Himanshu Gupta.
Thanks Gunaseelan.
Great you liked my efforts.
Thanks for sharing your ideas, I’m working on all these tips to increase my visitor counts. Thanks again.
Great, you liked the post.
Would love to know the results.
I’m really impressed with your writing skills as well as with the layout on your blog. Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself? Anyway keep up the excellent quality writing, its rare to see a great blog like this one these days.
This a paid theme. Thanks for the appreciation.
Hello.This post was extremely motivating, especially since I was looking for thoughts on this issue last Wednesday.
Hi Himanshu,
Thanks for sharing the list, I was looking for the same since a long time. It is a great list of websites which can drive huge traffic. I’ve bookmarked it as well. 🙂
Klinkk is pretty new for me. Wanna try it for sure, but I’m pretty new for Triber, can you please share a guide for the same on your blog for me?
Hey I am also not too familiar with Triberr.
Will surely make in future.
Thanks for the comment.
There’s always a learning in blogging. Never ends. You have shared some invaluable resources for a newbie like me. Hope to see such resources on your blog.
Thanks Mukesh for stopping and leaving a comment.
Will surely make these types of resources in the future.
This is definitely a creative list of blog promotion websites. I am registered user of most of the sites. I will definitely use rest of them.
Beautiful accept traffic
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Really happy to found this article. Just came from matthew woodward blog. Book marked this page.
Thanks for sharing this much of Information. Keep it up Himanshu Gupta.
Fantastic blog!! I read your blog that is very interesting and informative. It’s beneficial for a new blogger. Thanks for sharing this blog.
i do a lot of article submissions in a week or two and i hire some writers from india and other countries to do my stuf,.
It’s along time I’m looking for websites that could be used to promote my articles. Your article was awesome.
Many thanks
Great article Himanshu. Blog promotion is easily the most important yet ignore part of blogging. People expect traffic to magically arrive on their site while in reality, you’ve to go out there and scream out loud.
I personally spend 70% of my time leaving comments, sharing on social media, and connecting with like-minded bloggers. And rest of the 30% goes to content creation.
Thanks for sharing 🙂