13 Killer SEO Blogs you Should Follow in 2016

Blogging is a never ending journey. We as bloggers need to constantly look into the strategies being applied by other pro bloggers.

There is no end to the knowledge you can gain about blogging. You may be a pro but its impossible to know everything about blogging. This is because things are changes every day, you can't implement methods that worked in 2004 now and hope to see the same results today.

I love reading other blogs and their case studies. Who doesn't? It is lovely to see other bloggers sharing their strategies and their results. SEO is crucial for the growth of any blog in 2016, and it is also important to be updated with latest Google Algorithm changes, etc. Most bloggers suck when it comes to link building and the SEO stuff. Even I :p .

So I decided to list down 13 SEO Blogs which you should follow in 2016.



This is the first blog which comes to any blogger's mind when you ask him for any recommendation for any SEO blog. Trust me it deserves it.

Backlinko was founded by Brian Dean in 2010. The blog deals everything from link-building to case studies to on page optimisations tips. It has been one of my favourite SEO blogs since I started blogging and I am almost in love with it.

Brian Dean

Visit Site ​

You can learn a ton from this blog. It is just amazing. The blog is ranking on the top spot for some competitive search terms like "backlinks". This speaks for his hard work and passion for blogging and SEO.

What we love about the blog - 

  • HQ Content- All his blogs posts are  very well researched  and is backed up with lot of data and stats.
  • Lengthy Posts - Famous for his Skyscraper Technique the blog has all posts over 4000+ words. Some reach as high as 10,000 words.
  • Conversion Focused - When somebody writes about CTR himself then he should be better good at it. No complains here, Brian has lots of optin forms at key spots on his blog. 
  • Quality over Quantity - This is a fact many bloggers neglect and try to go for ther way round. Brian has only publised 33 blog posts in the past three years. It may be suprising but his one blog posts can out do hundreds of low quality ones.

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​Google Ranking Factors: The Complete List - Backlinko

Brian Dean

I'm a big believer that today's online marketers MUST master the art of link building, user experience and content promotion.


Neil Patel is successful entrepreneur and owner of several million dollar companies like Crazy Egg, Hello Bar and KISSmetrics. He has even helped companies like Amazon and HP to increase their buisness.

He runs multiple blogs under his name but QuickSprout seemed the best to me. The blog also has a University Section where you will find many video tutorials. The posts cover mainly internet marketing strategies.  

Neil Patel

Visit Site

What we love about the blog - 

  • HQ Content - All his posts are very detailed and quite helpful. All are his proven strategies.
  • Lengthy Posts - Similar to Backlinko his blog has a ton of information and most blog posts are more than 3000+ words.

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Neil Patel

Don’t optimize for conversions, optimize for revenue.

3.PointBlank SEO

Jon Cooper has managed to become a popular name in the SEO Industry in a short time. The blog focuses link-building in general and other SEO related stuff.

His blog also a popular SEO course titled "Beginner's Guide to Link Building." Apart from that, his blog has many case studies and profitable strategies targeting SEO.

Jon Cooper

Visit Site

What we love about the blog - 

  • Targetted to Link Building - It is good to see blog focused on narrower a topic like link-building.
  • New Content and Strategy- Link-Building is changing year by year. It is great to see that his blog is also updated with newer strategies and methods.
  • Detailed Posts - The blog has killer content. The posts are very well detailed and covers some difficult topics.

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He may be no pro but according to his age, he has a ton knowledge regarding SEO. He started his journey when he was looking for methods of earning online. He found SEO very interesting and after that rest his history.

His blog his very famous in SEO space and his posts are very interesting in reading. Apart from this he a runs a Facebook group names as "Premium Tricks by IFTISEO" which is one of the most active groups in the Blogging Space. There are more than 1000 active members who help each other with all type of stuff related to blogging and Internet Marketing.

Iftekhar Ahmed

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Apart from this, he runs multiple other blogs targeting various events online. He also has spoken at different events in India and has made a good active profile on Facebook too.

What we love about the blog - 

  • HQ Content - He may not post very often but all his posts are very detailed and a pleasure to read.
  • New Stuff- All his posts has some new strategy which you won't find in any other blog.

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The only thing comes to my mind when I read his blog is that -

"Age is just a Number "

At a tender age of 18, Rohit has achieved which people only dream of at a higher age. He has built multiple successful Niche sites which flip for as high as 100K$. He has also helped many startups and big businesses to grow online.

He shares all his methods on his personal blog TechTage. He has one of the best and extensive guides on Amazon Niche Sites and for Increasing Domain Authority. 

Rohit Palit

Visit Site

His works have been featured on multiple blogs like Ahrefs, QuickSprout and the Search Engine Journal.

What we love about the blog - 

  • Extensive Guides - The blog posts are very detailed and cover all most everything. You won't have to read any other blog after reading his posts. 
  • Quantity over Quality - You won't see him post regularly but when he does it is epic and in-depth. Many posts receive over 2000 shares.

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Charles Floate is a 20-year-old Internet Marketer. He has been in this field for over seven years. He started his journey when he was as small as 16 years. Since then he helped multiple companies  to grow.

He is famous mainly for his black hat SEO knowledge and methods. Charles is known for delving into the technical side of social media marketing, online tracking, security as well as web & business development.

Charles Floate

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At a very young age, he has made a good name in the SEO space. His methods come out of his experience as he was constantly trying out different parameters to gain rankings. He also runs a popular YouTube channel where he constantly posts his reviews on various products and services.

What we love about the blog - 

  • Detailed Case Studies - He is known for his detailed case studies and strategies.
  • Black Hat Stuff- Many people like to implement black hat strategies on their blog. There is nothing wrong. You won't find any better than this to read about the same.

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Link Building For A Brand New Site

7.Ahrefs Blog

Ahrefs currently is the best tool to monitor backlinks. With such a huge database they can easily do big case studies and check what is working in SEO and what isn't.

Ahrefs Blog has improved a lot lately. Every week or two they have a post published on their blog. Tim Soulo writes the majority of the posts with the help of other guest bloggers.

Tim Soulo

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He’s the chief evangelist of the company. The blog has very helpful case studies and tips to improve your website organic traffic.

What we love about the blog - 

  • Great Case Studies- They can quickly analyse millions of website and extract a lot of data from the same. With the help of this, they can this they are able come up with interesting case studies and facts.

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8.SE Round Table 

Barry Schwartz is the founder of SE Round Table. He founded the blog way back in 2003. Since then it has been a important hub for discussions relating SEO.

He has written thousands of posts on the blog as well for other big SEO blogs. He even maintains an active YouTube channel named as RustyBrick. 

Barry Schwartz

Visit Site ​

The blog is the best place to keep yourself updated with the latest happenings in SEO.

What we love about the blog - 

  • Huge Collection of Posts- The blog is over ten years old. The blog contains a lot articles relating to different SEO changes. This will suurely help the newcomers.

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Kikolani is another great place to read the latest trend in SEO. Kristi Hines has done a great job in managing the blog . The blog has some awesome articles and case-studies.

The blog has a very engaging user base. The blog deals with stuff like increased time on page, a lower bounce rate and more social mentions. These factors help you in increasing your page rankings.

Kristi Hines is one of the best writers in the marketing space. She has been featured on various publications like MOZ, Kissmetrics, HubSpot and more, and is one of the best people in the business to learn from.

What we love about the blog - 

  • Guest Bloggers - The blog has many guest bloggers. It is great to read different posts written by different ages and work.

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10.Blind Five Year Old

This blog is not same as the other traditional blogs out there. You may find the blog a little disturbing at first. 

In early days Aj Kohn propesed a philoshipy- 

"You should treat a search engine like a blind five year old."

But his experience is over two decades. His posts will interest anybody who loves to read about SEO.

The blog is a great guide for beginners and even for experts. He has a ton of experience in this field which reflects in his blog posts.

It is more than 20 years since he has been the part of the SEO Community.

What we love about the blog - 

  • Experience- His posts reflect his sheer experience and knowledge. Every post have an interesting post which is great to read.

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11.I Pull Rank

Mike King is  perfect example of an allrounder.

He runs "I Pull Rank" which is a very popular marketing agency based out of NYC. He is even a public speaker and an SEO consultant. You need to follow this guy to learn cool marketing strategies.

He even raps in his free time.​

Mike King

Visit Site

Besides managing his blog he also writes for different companies like MOZ regularly.

What we love about the blog - 

  • More of Technical Stuff - We love to see that the posts are more on the technical side.His background in software development gives him a good foundation for technical marketing.

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Ian Lurie has been in the marketing field for 20 years or so. The list is incomplete without his mention. He started as a copy-writer but now has a big agency under his name.

 He is a marketing geek, a strategist, and employs an entertaining writing style which makes me laugh while I read his posts.

Do check his blog in your free-time.​

Ian Lurie

Visit Site

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Ian LurieInternet Marketer

Using the latest marketing how-to is a lot like sex. Know the risks or bad things happen and bits fall off. Exercise proper precautions and the worst case is things go wrong and you learn something.

13.Citation Labs

Garret French is the mind behind Citation Labs. He is known for developing new out of the box marketing strategies. 

You may not have heard of him . But he is a gem when it comes to Internet Marketing. He was the first person to write about local SEO and to develop unique strategies for local SEO optimization.

Read his blog to know more .​

Garret French

Visit Site ​

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Local Marketing Engagement Guide

I hope you liked my list of the Top SEO Blogs you should follow to be better at SEO and to keep yourself updated with the changes. I highly recommend you to follow some of the blogs regularly. Mention your favourite blogs in the comment section.

Don't forget to share the post if you liked my work.​

23 thoughts on “13 Killer SEO Blogs you Should Follow in 2016”

  1. all references in the above blog is good to be learned, if I may suggest, I like to read articles on ProBloggerdotnet belonging to Jon Morrow, .. you may also be interested in ..

    My Regards

  2. Some great less mainstream blogs here Himanshu. I’d also suggest eMarketer, Econsultancy and The Drum for general digital news and insights – SEO doesn’t exist in a silo and an eye on the wider picture can be really beneficial.

  3. Why didn’t you mention Pat Flynn, Matthew Woodward?
    I remember, 6 years ago I used to read John Chow, Shoemoney. Oh, nostalgy…
    How old are you, Himanshu, do you know who these guys are?

    • I am 20 years old. I know John Chow. I love to read his blog too.

      Pat Flynn and Matthew Woodward cannot be considered as a sole SEO blogger. No doubt there are the best when it comes in covering blogging overall.

  4. Hello Himanshu Gupta,
    You shared the really astonishing collection of SEO Blogs. Some bLogs are really big giant and some are going to be giant.

    I think You should mention MOZ Blog as SEO Leading site.They share amazing content related to SEO.

    Ahmad Naeem

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