Hey Guys,
Hope you are doing well. Today I am going to show you how you can do Web 2.0 link building manually and make yourself a powerful WhiteHat PBN :p .
I see many bloggers struggling with link building. They are mainly the new bloggers who don't have single clue about link building for their blog.

All they do for backlinking is either comment on other blogs or make links through social bookmarking.They hope to rank for competitive keywords but sadly after few months they quit blogging :(. This is because comment links are useless if you don't have some authority links is pointing to your blog.
Even I had no idea about link building when I started blogging in 2014.
The bitter truth is when anybody starts blogging they have no money to invest in link building services or in a paid campaign.
If you can relate to this situation, then the solution to all of your problems are Web 2.0s. The best part of Web 2.0s is that they can be easily made and are totally free, unlike PBNs.
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What are Web 2.0 sites?
Web 2.0 sites are essentially sites which emphasize on user generated content. It allows users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue.

Some examples of Web 2.0 sites are Facebook, YouTube, Tumblr, WordPress and Blogger. These are sites where you can create your site on their subdomain. Tumblr, WordPress and Blogger. These are sites where you can create your own site on their domain.
They are essentially free blogging platforms. Most of the properties allow you to add images, videos and links to their platform.
The best part of Web 2.0 sites is that all have a very high Domain Authority. For example, WordPress has an authority of 97 and Blogger has DA of 96.
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Why are Web 2.0 sites so important?
Before starting the site, I'd like to mention Why Web 2.0 sites are so important and useful in the link building process.
- Domain Authority - All Web 2.0 sites have a very high DA. Higher DA means higher rankings.
- Free - The best part of Web 2.0 sites are that they are free. There is also no limit to how many you can make.
- Page Authority - Only a few links can take your PA from 0 to 20.
- Links - You can link as many websites with any anchor text of your choice.
Despite this relevancy is the key while making Web 2.0 sites for link building.
Does Web 2.0 Link Building work in 2016 ?
For those wondering that if this strategy still works in 2016, Yes it does. Most SEO gurus might not advise you to go this link building strategy. But the bitter truth is that it works as good as it did few years back if you abide by some rules.
Many niche site experts are building and ranking their sites by this exact link building method from ground up and are earning as high as 2k$ per month.

I built even $2K+ making site relying mainly on Web 2.0 links. (Yes, you heard right, $2K+ site with Web 2.0 links, no PBN, no Thousand dollar OUTREACH/Guest Post)
List of Web 2.0 Sites
Advantages over PBNs
Most people are likely to compare Web 2.0 sites with PBNs. I rate Web 2.0 as reliable as PBN. Let us see what are the advantages of PBNs over Web 2.0s.
- Free - The toughest part of creating a PBNs is that it requires a huge investment which includes buying an expired domain and its hosting. Web 2.0s, on the other hand, are free.
- WhiteHat - While PBNs have chances of getting penalised by Google, Web 2.0 are 99% safe to use.
- Hassle Free- If you have your own PBN network then you might know the trouble of setting up the PBN on different hosting platform to keep it safe from Google
- Authority - No PBN can beat a Web 2.0 in terms of Domain Authority.
Types of Web 2.0 Link Building
1.Using new Web 2.0 site
2.Using Expired Web 2.0s
If you are starting a Web 2.0 link building campaign then you have two options, one is that you can either create a new Web 2.0 or you can search or buy an expired Web 2.0 and then add your links in the content.
You can't exactly tell if one them is more profitable in comparison the other as either one has it as it has its advantages and disadvantages.
Using New Web 2.0s
Most people think that setting up a Web 2.0 is very easy for link building but you must keep a lot of things in check before and after creating a Web 2.0 for maximum results.
I will guide you through step by step instructions
You will love to read - How I attracted 20 Quality Links in less than 30 days
Let's get started.
Setting Up a Web 2.0 site
The best part of Web 2.0 site is setting up is damn easy unlike PBNs.
First, choose your favourite Web 2.0 site. I would prefer Tumblr, WordPress and Nabble for my Web 2.0 link building.

I will recommend you to use a different email account for different Web 2.0s of the same platform. You might find it hard to create different email accounts for different Web 2.0, but trust me this is very important.
Google can easily track your footprints and penalise you. It is not necessary you use Gmail for creating email accounts. Yahoo and Yandex work just as well.
If you are wondering how many of them, I should create. Well, no person is capable of predicting how many of them will be enough to show you results, but ten would be a good number to start.
Pro Tip - Yandex
If you are into internet marketing then you there might be a point where you are short of email accounts for various tasks. Most of the popular email providers need a phone verification. This is difficult when you need a lot of them.

Yandex Mail is a free Russian based email provider which lets you create email accounts without phone verification. You can create as many of them you want.
These accounts come in handy for link building campaigns and even for creating Social Bookmarks for your site.
Choosing the Web 2.0 address
After setting up a Web 2.0 account you will have set an address. So what should your Web 2.0 address be like?
Its simple. It should be related to your niche.

For this, I use the tool KeywordTool. This is a free keyword research tool like Google Keyword Planner.
Just enter your seed keyword and it will show you hundreds of keyword relating to your keyword.
You can easily get 15-20 brandable names from the list.
For example, if my niche is best Bluetooth speakers my addresses for the Web 2.0 would be like -
Make the Web 2.0s look natural.
[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””] Note: While naming your Web 2.0s to make sure you mix up the addresses. The main goal is to make sure that the Web 2.0 looks original and genuine and not like that they are made on purpose for boosting a site’s rankings. Make variations.[/thrive_text_block]
You can outsource the service as cheap as 5$. I have myself ordered many orders and the results are amazing.
Pro Tip - Organising
The most common mistake that I see people making are they do not have any track of what they are doing. For example, if they are creating many Web 2.0s they forget the login details or site URL.

Make sure you create an excel sheet on Google Docs or MS Excel and fill up the details of your Web 2.0s as you proceed with your campaign.
Some recommended fields -
- Name of Web 2.0
- User Name and Password of Main Account
- Site URL
- Index Status
- Last Content Added Date
- Keyoword Targetting
You might find this kiddish. But it will come very handy when you need to add content to the site. Moreover you will have full control on your site.
Adding Content
Adding content to the Web 2.0 site is the hardest part to Web 2.0 Link Building. No, it is not as simple as copying content from the main site and adding links to it. You can't add copied content to a Tier 1 site.
Most people fail to add original or enough content.
This is the most important process in Web 2.0 Link Building .
Ways to create the content
1.Write yourself - Writing content yourself can be tedious. But if you want the results you have to add original content.
Try to schedule the posts to make things easier.
2.OutSource Content - If you are high on a budget then outsourcing is the best option. You can post your requirement on sites like Freelancer and UpWork.

3.Spinned Content - Well I won't recommend this, but it still works. You can either use a paid tool like Kontent Machine or the free ones.
4.Scraping Content - You can add scraped content from other websites using various paid tools. But scraped content works well for Tier 2 and is not recommended for Tier 1.
Creating mandatory pages
These pages are important for all websites. Make sure to create them for Web 2.0s as you would do for the main site.
1.About Us - Just a short description about the Niche will do. If you want to add any names you can use FakeNameGenerator.
2.Contact Us - Add a contact form in the page to make it look genuine.
3.Privacy Policy - You can use sites like GeneratePrivacyPolicy.com to generate a unique privacy policy for your sites. It will save a lot of time.
Content Guidelines
Make sure add at least 400+ words content to each post. Try to break it into smaller paragraphs to make the post look natural.
Try not to add all content in one go. Make sure you schedule your posts.
Make sure maintain On Page SEO as you would do for your money site. Add relevant links to make it look natural. Try to avoid keyword stuffing.
We want these sites to look natural. 1-3% keyword density is more than enough.
Try to mix up the anchor text you use to link to your main site. Try to be unpredictable.
Try to post atleast 4-5 posts to each Web 2.0. Add relevant images and videos.
Make sure the Links are Indexed
If you want the link juice to pass on to your money site, make sure the site is indexed by Google.
To check if a site is indexed or not search for -
"site:url(without http)"
Eg - site:nbkart.wordpress.com
If your site is not indexed, then you can force by submitting to Google Webmaster Tools, or you can ping using the various services online.

You can use premium link indexing service like Linklicious to get them forcefully indexed. There also so many similar services available online.
Boosting your Web 2.0
Boosting a Web 2.0 site is very important for maximum results. There are many ways you can boost a Web 2.0 property.
Social Signals
Social Signals will help boost and index your Web 2.0 on Google. You can easily buy a package from sites like Fiverr and SeoClerk.
You can also do it manually yourself using platforms such as AddmeFast.
Tier 2 Links
It is important to boost your Web 2.0s using Tier 2 or 3 links. These links can be any type of links including comment links, social bookmarks or directory links.
This will help to increase the page authority of the site which will compliment the high authority of the domain.
Pro Tip - Add Content in Future
I see most bloggers ignoring the Web 2.0s after adding few posts. This is a very wrong habit to practice.
Add content to each Web 2.0 on a regular basis. This will make sure the link juice and the power of the Web 2.0 never dies.
Using Expired Web 2.0s
In this method, we use expired Web 2.0 properties which already have a good PA. This way you need not have to boost these properties.
These properites will show quick results.
So main question arises that how can you find the expired Web 2.0 properties which also are relevant to your niche.
You can either scrape them yourselves or you can even buy them from sites like Fiverr.
Step 1 : Finding the Web 2.0s
The best way to get them is to buy them. Don't worry they come as cheap as $1 each.

There are many marketplaces to buy them. Some are mentioned below -
1.Konker(search for expired Tumblr)
3.Affiliate Hustle
They will even provide you with login details with the accounts. Tumblr works best in expired Web 2.0, but you try others as well.
You will love to read this - How That Tumblr Test Hit The Front Page (Case Study)
If you want to scrape them yourselves, then you need a paid tool like ScrapeBox or Domain Hunter.

You will have to scrape them first and check the best out of them. I won't go into detail on how to scrape them. You can read the post below for this.
You will love to read - How To Build A Web 2.0 Private Blog Network To Increase Rankings
Step 2 : Dropping those Links
The easiest part of Expired Web 2.0 Link Building. Unlike the earlier method no need to add some fancy articles. You just need a picture and few lines of text with the link.
Just make sure you use different IPs while adding content in each of the expired Web 2.0 properties.
Make sure that you use different versions of the anchor text each time. You can be penalised if you use the same anchor text each time while creating backlinks.
Q/A with the Experts
If you are still not satisfied if Web 2.0 works or not then hear from the experts. I reached out to two professional bloggers and asked them some questions.
First blogger is Tuhin Adhikary from Serpdaddy.com. You can read his answers below.

Tuhin Adhikary
1.Can you introduce yourself to our readers as to what you do and what experience you poses?
Hi there, I am a Social Media and SEO consultant. Initially, starting out as a freelancer I now have over 7 years experience and work as an SEO and online marketing consultant, My thirst to learn new things and genuine enthusiasm for all things technical has provided me with a vast range of skills including web design, graphic design, SEO, social media, video editing, animation and project management.
My other main passions are travelling and blogging so I now work as a full-time freelancer and spend as much time as I can on the road.
2.Does Web 2.0 work in 2016? What is your experience with it?
Yes, Web 2.0 works in 2016, you can use them for medium and low competition keywords. I have ranked several client websites with Web 2.0
3.Can Web 2.0 only rank low competition keyword?
No, they can rank high competition keywords as well.
4.How is Web 2.0 different from a PBN? Which one would you prefer?
Google is ultra smart nowadays, they can easily find footprints from Web 2.0 and PBN. Make sure you don't leave any footprint. PBN are a little bit of risky so I prefer Web 2.0
5.What should you to the Web 2.0 property to keep it strong down the line.
Use unique 500+ words quality article. Don't use any spun crap. Make sure you add the 3-5 article on each Web 2.0 and inner link the articles.Use about us, contact us page and social profiles. Build some social signals and backlinks on those Web 2.0, treat them as your money site, and you will see the result.
Second Blogger is Kimsea Sok from Cambodia. He has been blogging from 2009. You can read his answers below.

Kimsea Sok
1.Can you introduce yourself to our readers as to what you do and what experience you poses?
I’m Kimsea Sok, a blogger and freelance writer from Cambodia.
I’ve been blogging in the earlier of 2009, maybe. When first started an online business, I made lots of mistakes related to blogging and marketing, so I always love to share those mistakes with newbies and hope they help in somehow.
I’m now running several niche projects, but my main blogs are http://basicblogtalk.com and http://blogmarketingsea.com. Usually, I blog about blogging and marketing related topics, and you can follow me on Facebook and Twitter.
2.Does Web 2.0 work in 2016? What is your experience with it?
It does work in 2016, too, the future, but so different between 2010. Google updates its algorithms and creates many animals to detect low-quality content and unnatural link building.
The noticed way to survive web 2.0 is to focus on quality (manual spinning) and natural so you have to slow down your process and make sure you’re safe.
The personal experience, before my blog was hacked, I ranked it on the top of “blogging community” and more.
3.Can Web 2.0 only rank low competition keyword?
The competitive rate doesn’t matter for web 2.0, and you can rank for any keywords. However, if you chose a high competitive rate, you’ll need a hardworking and more time so my recommendation is to go with a right competitive rate.
4.How is Web 2.0 different from a PBN? Which one would you prefer?
Think about the difference between web2.blogspot.com and pbn.com. You have full control permission to your PBN, but more cost while Web 2.0 no follows in some cases and you need to follow the rule of the platform. What’s more, Web 2.0 isn’t your properties.
I believe that Web 2.0 isn’t going to die, but might not easy to rank our website anymore due to the Google update. So I recommend focusing on PBN and maintaining the quality content. Furthermore, you’ll need a good team to help in running PBN campaign.
5.What should you do to the Web 2.0 property to keep it strong down the line?
Keep yourself update to the platform and search engines game changing. Focus on managing quality contents, so it’s the best way for long term operation.
6.What kind of results have you achieved with Web 2.0?
Not sure I’m right to this question, but as I wrote in #2 question. I’ve ranked my blog on top of search engines. What’s more, I did several projects for Web 2.0, and it’s a candy income.
To enligthen us with broken Web 2.0 Link Building we have Mr. Udit Goenka who is founder of multiple hosting companies.

I have been in the Hosting and SEO business for over six years now where I have worked with a lot of top Marketers, SEOers in the world, specially featuring in the Ungagged 2014 Vegas SEO conference. Most of my time spent is in researching data, optimization and way how I can acquire customers using different inbound and outbound marketing strategy.
Other than the professional side, I love reading books, playing games, watching Football (Manchester United forever) and can’t live without coffee. Also, soon starting my blog at uditgoenka.com where I will be posting a lot of crazy stuffs soon!
Let me explain:
If you only have an expired domain with a certain amount of stats on your Web 2.0 pointing towards your money site, would it look natural? No, it won’t. Mix up both, the newly build Web 2.0 and expired domains.
– Make your Web 2.0 look like a real site.

For those who don't have enough time to read the whole post can go through a short summary below.
1. Find the Web 2.0 you want to make a site on. I prefer Tumblr and Jimdoo.
2. Sign up for a new account on the Web 2.0 and make sure you use a different email id for each one.
3. Generate various names for the website addresses. No need if you are using an expired Web 2.0.
4. Set up the Web 2.0 with the desired address.
5. Add the mandatory pages as mentioned above.
6. Add quality content to the property. Make sure it is at least 400+ words.
7. Add images and videos wherever possible. Make sure the Web 2.0 property looks natural.
8. Use different variations of the anchor text while linking to your Money Site. Also, interlink other Web 2.0 property.
9. Try to index the Web 2.0 by various methods as shown above.
10. Boost the Web 2.0 property by Tier 2 and Tier 3 links. Also boost them by social signals.
11. Add small pieces of content on a regular basis in the future to make sure you get the best results.
I hope the post was useful. If you have any doubts or questions, then feel free to drop them below.
Have a great day.
Nice Article.But Please remove Squidoo from list. Because Squidoo marge in HubPages.
Will do that for sure.
Thanks for looking into it.
Come across this article through HBB group of Facebook. Very detailed article about link building. Thank you, Himanshu.
Thanks Arun.
Bro IS it true al-amin bro told that he used web-2 link building as a main link building strategy?
Yes it is kinda true. He used it as his primary link building strategy.
Thnak for the post bro it really helps me to learn the new skill among the differest blogger
Thanks Mohammed.
Glad that the post was helpful.
nice post thanks for sharing it
Thanks Jony for the comment.
Good article explain each and every thing clearly thanks 🙂
Thanks Tahir for stopping by and leaving your comment.
How much safe it is for long term blogs?
Very much safe. Don’t Worry.
Really an untold story with hidden Secrets about link building.
Helpful for newbie bloggers like me.
Himanshu, is it safe to use the same computer.
Ya it is safe to use on the same computer. Just use a VPN.
Hello Himanshu,
Thanks for sharing this article. I have recently started Web 2.0 link building and it’s really a good strategy. Himanshu I appreciate your article.
Moumita Ghosh
Thanks Moumita for a lovely comment.
It inspires me a lot.
Article was just awesome I din’t skip any were keep working.
Hey Karamath
Thanks for the compliment.
After very long time i read complete article because your writing style.
As what I Understand :
Tier 1 is Web 2.0 Tumbler etc.
Tier 2 Backlinks of Above Tumbler
Tier 3 Backlink of Tier 2
First Buy Expired Web 2.0 and Add Unique 3 to 4 article with linking with our Money
Its Tier 1
Then we make backlink of above Web 2.0 like blog commenting and social signal.
Its Tier 2
Then we build backlinks like blog commenting and social signal of Above tier 2 ?
Its long but correct me if i got misunderstand .
Perfectly correct.
Glad you understood.
Your Article is very helpful. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Asim Khan for the comment.
thanks buddy, I had less knowledge with web 2.0 things. Today became more clear! Thanks!
Thanks Rana.
Awesome! This’s an awesome article.
I first thought there are several bloggers on the Roundup, but was surprise when read the article. Well. There are only 3 people are feature here.
Well. I know Ali for a while and he’s great blogger at Ecommerce and niche project.
What’s more, I visited Tuhin Adhikary’s blog and found there are lots of article there, on his blog.
Thanks for featuring me on this wonderful post.
Hey it was all my pleasure bro.
Thanks for contribution.
Himanshu, Good article. Actually i am just about to use this for my niche website. Do u know how much it takes time get the benefits from it.. also what will be good expired web 2.0 or fresh web 2.0 to start the things.
You should give at least 20-25 days to see the results.
Hope it helps.
After read I am creating web2.0 to rank my site.
Thank for your great writing
Hope you get success.
Hello Himanshu, I created web 2.0 before 1 week but my web 2.0 is not indexed! How can I index my web 2.0 instantly? Please help me bro! TIA 🙂
Warm Regards, Aabharan
Throw some tier 2 links and some social signals to the web 2.0. I think that must be enough to index the site.
Check by searching on Google site:website.com .
Mail me if you still face an issue.
Finally came to know what web 2.0 is. I had been listening to this from a long time but I was unable to figure out what to do ? how to do ? Thanks to you Himanshu all my doubts are cleared now. Now I think i should start doing web 2.0 for my blog. Thanks
All the best for your link building campaign.
Hello Himanshu,
It’s a great article. But, Is it important to make the IP variation while creating web 2.0 blogs? Please, Let me inform.
Its not that important. But to be on the safer side please use a VPN each time.
Thanks for the reply @Himanshu
Your post is very important for every blogger. Web 2.0 sites more important for backlink but list is short. If it possible please add more sites.
Advance Thanks
Sure will add.
Good one! It is important for every business that is online to have a backlink, and your content is really helpful for link building.
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Thank you.
Hi Himanshu,
This is called really a complete guide. I think now I have much clearer ideas on web 2.0 link building. This article comes with all the answers what I am searching for the last few days.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Thanks Riju,
Glad you loved it.
Hi Himanshu!
Great post on creating Web 2 for backlink! Very detailed post i read patiently!
Thanks for an informative post!
keep it up!
Thanks Aysha
Share the awesomeoness.
Have a great day.
this link is not working , can you post working URL ( Service to create Web 2.0 Accounts )
Source Wave Market has been rebranded recently. I will change the link asap.
great work man. truly loved your work… complete guide.. keep updating us with such osm stuff
Thanks Pankaj
Glad you liked.
Hello Himanshu Gupta,
can we use expired web 2.0 for tier 1??
Yes you can use it.
Hello Himanshu,
I must say this is by far the BEST article on web2.0 link building I have ever read, you have given details of every small section which is really very necessary like giving out advice to not create web2.0 sites with only single email address.
Trust me, I am saying this and I mean it, this is really the best ever article I have ever read on Web2.0 link building, amazing.
Your hard work can be clearly seen from this post. I was first about to ignore the article when I saw it on Facebook but don’t know why I decided to give it a look, I am proud of my decision. You nailed it bro.
I totally agree with the statement “People forget about their web2.0 sites after creating them or publishing 1-2 articles”, how? I have done this mistake in the past 😛 It does happen and forgetting about the URLs, email addresses, username password is also very common, so creating an excel file or Google sheet would be the best option and it indeed is a genuine advice.
You did a marvelous job buddy for crafting this article.
That’s a beast of a comment… Karan.
Apart from increasing the overall post length it helps me know that I am going to the correct.
Thanks Karan for spending so much time in writing such a long comment.
Just came over here to read the reply since I have subscribed to the follow up comments and you do deserve the beast, not only comments but also in success 😉
I just noticed two things which needs some of your attention:
1.) You haven’t mentioned to create a sitemap for Web 2.0 sites, newbies might not know about that, so ask them to create one for better indexing and authority.
2.) I think the social plugin you used for the lock feature is not working properly, I just click on Tweet button to unlock the content (web 2.0 sites list) and by mistake I closed the new tab of twitter without sharing it, the lock was removed and I could see the sites list, this could cause you loss of shares, please give it a look. I don’t know which plugin you are using but it’s definitely an issue you need to see.
Have a great weekend brother.
Thanks for another massive comment :p
Don’t see people much following comment but you are an exception.
I will surely look into both of the issues you have pointed.
Epic content Himanshu. Thanks a ton for sharing. 🙂
I got some questions. Is there any way I can email you back and ask you for help?
Sure …feel free to mail me at blogrags@gmail.com or drop in a message via the Contact Page.
This is definitely a complete guide for web 2.0 link building. I have learned a lot and I really appreciate your efforts. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks Gaurav
Good article.
I’ve read more than three times. I’ve read so many articles about using web 2.0 sites to rank money sites. I’m starting my web 2.0 campaign this week although I’ve tried before, Can’t really say I failed but it wasn’t successful either. 🙁
while this article answers most of my confusions about using web 2.0’s but some are still left hanging, Some like..
1. when is the right time to link to your money site from your web 2.0? The first article.
2. How many links to your money site should be in each web 2.0 article?
3. The best web 2.0 that really passes juices? I’ve been passed around too much about this and seeing the same list everywhere. (I’ve seen that you prefer Tumblr and Jimdo (Noted).
4. what are the recommended when it comes to linking? Should you spread out (diversify) links to your money site? Or just focus on linking to just one page on your money site?
I probably have more things to ask but I’d love it if you replied these ones first. Be back to see your take.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for asking such questions. Will benefit many other readers.
I have asked one of my experienced friends. Stay put for some more days and I will comment the answer here.
1. There is no such thing as right time. Don’t worry Web 2.0’s are quite safe.
2. 2-3 will be okay.
3. I will prefer Tumblr and WordPress
4. Diversification is good
Thanks for the questions mate
Thanks for sharing such a nice and indepth article about building links. I have found some issues in “List Web 2.0 Sites” section. You have inserted linked sites wrongly, make sure to enter “http://” to make them workable. Right now, some links in this section are pointing to the main article.
I hope you get the point.
M Imran
Thanks Muhammad will make the necessary changes.
A complete guide for web 2.0 link building. This is the Best Web 2.0 so far online.
I would like to ask a question…..
If you have 5 articles on your website, and you want to create 10 Web 2.0 to each article on your money site. Is it compulsory to write 10 unique content on each Web 2.0 pointing to each article on the money site? Or you write the same content on all the 10 Web 2.0 pointing to each article on the money site?
Hope to hear from you and thanks for sharing.
Try to use original content or spinned content.
Don’t use the same content.
Thanks for the question Akin.
Great article.
Should the Web 2.0 links point to the homepage or the money article you are targeting with the relevant keyword?
besttechnow.com or besttechnow.com/best-wireless-headphones
You can do for both.
Thanks for asking the question.
Dear Sir,
Thanks for this awesome writing. I have a question. Please make me grateful giving proper advice to overcome this. I usually work on my blog at least 10 hours per day but why I can’t get proper traffic? I’ve performed a lot of ways of SEO like Blog commenting, Web 2.0 link building, Directory submission, Guestbook posting etc. But yet I’ve seen a positive result. Of course, I’ve used “White hat SEO” method while performing SEO. Although, I’m ignoring by Google. Why? Will I need to make long my working period than before?
I am eagerly waiting for your kind reply.
Sadhan Pal
It’s not all about working hard. You should also work in the right direction to get results.
Mail me at blogrags@gmail.com with more information.
thanks for the tips on scrapebox, i own it for months yet cant really use it for much. will definitely use your tips for more link building :D.
Thanks bro.
Really, very nice post and recommendations from Experts, I have bookmarked your website for future updates.
Will wait for new such great posts.
Hello! This article is very amazing. The information you have given about the web 2.0 is very interesting. Keep posting such useful articles.
Thanks Arumugam.
For SEO, Web 2.0 is very important to rank in the Google. Thanks for sharing it. I am looking for this kind of article on Internet, finally found it in your blog.
Glad it helped.
Thanks bro for the comment.
Awesome article,
I am very happy after reading your article, I am going to use web 2.0 for my site SEO,
Really awesome guide, Thanks for sharing it, keep writing and keep sharing.
Thanks Mukesh
Really Awesome article, A perfect one for Newbie to understand all things, you have covered all topics thanks alot.
I have question
If you could provide a Case study so we will know about How to use Keyword and How to use the diversity it will be a great help for many of your followers. Following
Is web 2.0 backlinks are still working ?
I heard from some folks that the web 2.0 is dead now.
What are your thoughts ??
Yes, it still does. People are ranking their websites, even high competition ones. But don’t keep it is your primary link building method if you are not using expired Web 2.0s as they have the PA also.
Nice article, btw are web 2.0s still good to rank websites in 2017?
Yes, they do if done in the right way 🙂
Hey Himanshu Gupta,
Thank you for writing this awesome Web 2.0
I have a question for you. Could you please answer this
How To Block Moz, Ahrefs, Majestic, robot.
Is it possible to block robot on WordPress.com, Thumblr.com
You need to make changes to htaccess file. Post in the group , I will help you out on how to perform it.
Another comment :D. I have read the complete guide and just one word I have to say “Brilliant”.
I found exact steps and direct steps, no other fancy intro, and other things.
The point I feel missing here is, you have told to change IP, what IP changes extension you would prefer?
Will wait for your reply.
Thanks, mate.
Thanks mate
Your recent love for the blog is mind boggling.
Make sure you dont use chrome or any google service to create the Web 2.0s
You can use a broswer such as Tor or any sort of VPN will work, just to be on safe side 🙂
Hi, Himanshu,
I have never seen such well described guide on web 2 link building.
I have a question regarding footprints.
Is it okay to use same computer while creating different web 2 account and login into them while needed? Or extra measure should be taken; like using VPN?
Just avoid using any Google service ( Gmail) and use a VPN if possible.
You are good to go.
Thanks mate 🙂
Awesome post thank you for sharing
Great post on web2s. I’ve been using these for few years and seen some big movement in SERP. But unlike you said, I haven’t seen some big impact these days. But yes, it does help to move a needle BTW.
Yup can’t solely use Web 2.0 to rank your sites 🙂
Hi Himanshu,
Very good and easy to follow information on web 2.0 link building. Have bought some expired tumblers from Fiverr as used as a link building technique,but didn’t see any result even after around 6 months.
Do you think expired domains really works?
It works for sure. Just follow the right steps 🙂
I appreciate it.
Do you think the web 2.0’s will be good to go for some time in the future? I know a lot of people are thinking they are going to take a hit.
You have written very informative post here its excellent. i will definitely try them to my blogger.
This is the 100th comment 🙂
Thanks for introducing this lovely article with us.. keep it up buddy
Hi Himanshu,
Great post man, I’ve been looking for something valuable regarding web 2.0 and I’m glad I landed on this page.
I understand that using proper strategy for web 2.0 will work but I do have a question that concerns me a lot and I guess other peoples also, therefore, we need your expert advise on it.
My question is
when you build your site on wordpress.com, for example, abc.wordpress.com and check the site on paid tools like ahrefs it shows zero or very minimum DA and DR.
even thou WordPress has DA of 97 but connected subdomain does not show DA of 97 so will a link pass from that subdomain carry enough weight to rank money site?
It also confuses me that do we need to get backlinks for WordPress subdomain site also, if yes then isn’t it a double work to get a backlink on money site and also get a backlink for your web 2.0 site.
I highly appreciate your answer!
Ps: Anyways, keep up the good work!
Hi you have a user friendly site It was very easy to post all the best
Liked your content, i got answers to all my questions in this article 🙂
Thank you so much for this article! Honestly, I learned a lot on this post and I just hear this strategy on link building. In fact, I’m about to do this by next week but currently I’m focused with properpbn.com as I hear that it can boost traffic.
Awesome! Its in fact amazing paragraph, I have got much clear idea regarding from this piece of
Awesome article.
Can i register multiple web 2.0 with single email?
Such a wonderful post. I was having a bad time when it came to expire web 2.0 . But, But! After reading out this article, I am pretty sure that I can now rank on SERP.
Really A very well presented article!
Keep up the good work…
Continue writing…
Hoping to read many more such articles!
l think that you need a mix of pbns and web 2.0 sites and they must be very professional looking in order to have safe rakings.